DynamoDB Async Client in Spring Cloud Functions using WebFlux to create reactive Lambda functions…Let’s add a DynamoDB Async Client to Lambda functions that uses Spring WebFlux and Spring Cloud Functions with GraalVM and Tracing Agent.Aug 21, 2024Aug 21, 2024
Executing GraalVM Tracing Agent with Spring Boot’s Docker Compose plugin in a Lambda function.Let’s migrate a Lambda function’s code to Spring WebFlux and builds its native image using GraalVM with the support of the Tracing Agent.Aug 13, 2024Aug 13, 2024
Using Spring WebFlux in AWS Lambda functions with Spring Native and SAM CLI.Why not use WebFlux in a Lambda function? Let’s try to implement reactive programming in a Lambda function and deploy it using SAM CLI.Aug 11, 2024Aug 11, 2024
Publishing POM files in Maven Central leveraging on Amazon Route53.Let’s deploy our parent POMs in Maven Central so the building tools doesn’t complain about passing parent POMs references.Jul 20, 2024Jul 20, 2024
Using Spring Cloud AWS in Lambda functions to automate SDK client configurations.Reduce config classes when creating AWS SDK clients like for DynamoDB. You can also review your SAM-CLI and Spring Native concepts.Jul 12, 2024Jul 12, 2024
FullStack App on AWS using Ionic/Angular Frameworks inside an Nx Monorepo with PNPN and Amplify.Let’s add the front-end side to our City Tasks project using an Nx monorepo with PNPM and Amplify to deploy the app into AWS.Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Installing Colima as a Docker Engine provider with Buildx and Compose plugins installed.Replacing the Docker Desktop tool with Colima for Java developers working on MacOS systems.Nov 19, 20233Nov 19, 20233
Storing EDA events in DynamoDB using a Native Lambda function with GraalVM & Spring Cloud Functions.Build/Deploy a Native Lambda function that receives custom events from EventBridge and store them in DynamoDB using the AWS SDK and SCF.Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
EDA with EventBridge and Lambda using SAM-CLI with Spring Boot MS on Fargate ECS as Event Source.Implementing an Event-Driven Architecture using Amazon EventBridge and Lambda with SAM-CLI with a Spring Boot Native MS as Event Source.Jul 15, 2023Jul 15, 2023
End-to-End Encryption using TLS ECDSA certificate, ACM, and AWS Copilot CLI.Configuring an End-to-End encryption to pass all HTTPS communication through the ALB to the ECS Task where a Native Spring Boot is…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023