Why Java is still a great programming language

Java is best for Backend and IoT applications

Andres Solorzano
3 min readDec 31, 2021


Duke Cheers
Duke Cheers, from https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/duke/Gallery

I have been using Java for about 10 years now. I developed many kinds of applications starting for little IoT projects until core banking microservices. But not all is perfect in the Java world, the only standard I didn’t like to use was JavaServer Faces, and any of its implementations like the old Richfaces and the new Primefaces. For this reason, many years ago, I started my projects using Javascript for frontend applications, with IonicFramework for building hybrid web apps. Nowadays for frontend apps, I am still using IonicFramework but for building Progressive Web Apps (PWA), together with Amplify for some AWS integrations like Cognito for user management, and AppSync for GraphQL. However, for the backend, Java is still the primary programming language that I have used for building microservices and nanoservices (aka AWS Lambda Functions) and even for Cloud Native applications in AWS.

I am a great fanatic of IT certifications, and for the Java standard, my last certification was in 2011. After that, I got crazy and I follow the Oracle certification path for my next JavaEE certifications like JPA, EJB, and Web components. But recently, I have been studying for Java 11 certification. I need to update my acknowledge of Java programming, and I think it was the best decision I take in this year 2021. I fell in love with the Java Stream API, Functional Programming, Parallel Streams, Concurrency, and the new I/O API (aka NIO2). For these reasons, I think Java has become a new powerful programming language. I encourage you to update your knowledge for Java 11 before passing to Java 17, and/or before migrating your Java 8 applications to these new LTS versions. Furthermore, think about the possibility of preparing yourself for taking the Java 17 certification, even more, if you haven’t taken version 11 of the certification.

The last thing I would like to mention is, that is very important that you apply your new Java knowledge to a personal project. Publish this project in a GitHub repo and add it to your portfolio. If you don’t have any personal portfolio yet, you can create a new one using GitHub Pages for example. The important thing here is that you can share your portfolio URL in your C.V. or your LinkedIn account. You can even use a platform like AlgoExpert.io to apply your Java knowledge to solve some algorithm problems. Don’t forget to upload all your Java algorithm resolutions to your GitHub repo and add it to your portfolio too.

Well, this is the last day of the year 2021, I hope you are healthy and well-exercised to improve your body defenses. For the next year, I wish you will become a great Java developer, prepare yourself for the future, at a healthy level and professionally. Take care of your family too, and I see you in my next post.

Thank you in advance, and happy new year 🥳 .

